Bhutan lies between latitudes 26°N and 29°N, and longitudes 88°E and 93°E on the southern slopes of the eastern Himalayas. The land consists mostly of steep and high mountains . Elevation rises from 200 m (660 ft) in the southern foothills to more than 7,000 m (23,000 ft). This great rise in elevation coupled with country’s policy of maintaining 60 percent forest cover for all time to come provides an ideal environment for various animals like water buffalo in the south to an elusive snow leopards and blue sheep in the north and many more to thrive successfully. This gallery was set up in 2012 in the ground floor of Temporary Exhibition Building with technical and financial assistance from DANIDA. The museum has rich collection of preserved specimens and trophies of animals such as Takin, Budorcas taxicolor (Bhutan’s national animal), snow leopard, deer, crocodile, butterflies, birds and mineral wealth of Bhutan and most of them were donated by Department of Forestry and Park Services, MoAF and Department of Geology and Mines, MoEA, Bhutan. Be sure not to miss the ‘Bhutan Glory’, a species of butterfly unique to Bhutan in the world. The Building also houses a souvenir shop in the ground floor, selling authentic Bhutanese handicrafts to the visitors.